Musical Theatre
12Â - 18Â years old
2 hours
Seniors MT focuses on Musical Theatre in great depth and detail. Performance skills are honed and the students work individually, as well as a group. Obviously performance is our main aim and we pay real attention to detail. Our in depth rehearsals and skills can be applied to school and careers in the future. During the session the students concentrate on the three main areas of performance, an hour of each, Music, Dance and Acting. As well as this they study the history and development of theatre and music  and we feel that the course is a fabulous preparation for anyone heading to take the arts at A level or onto University or Drama School.

Musical Theatre
6 - 18Â years old
3 hours
Our Saturday School is a performance class and is three hours long and gives the students the opportunity to work on strengths, weaknesses, technique, confidence and to put all those efforts into sparkling performances! The course allows for real attention to detail, in depth rehearsal, and skills that can be applied to school and careers in future. This concentrates on the three main areas of performance, an hour of each, Music, Dance and Acting.